We got a big surprise with our little Cedric McDiggery this week. In our complete ignorance of hedgehog gendering, we originally thought he was a boy, then changed our minds and settled on him being a female, only to find him becoming overly friendly with his blanket, then his hot water bottle, and then everything else! When we finally realised he most definitely is a boy (and that it was not a 5th leg we were seeing!). We now bestow Cedric McDiggery with the nickname 'Mr Humper-Pants'. His behaviour is a great sign that he is well on his road to recovery.
Meet the McDiggery'sMcDiggery Hedgehog Rescue Categories
How you can help:
Any donations of old blankets, clean rags, newspaper, cat food donations are always needed and gratefully accepted. Hedgehog Rescue
New Zealand If you find a sick or injured hedgehog, are interested in fostering one or making a donation to the amazing work of Hedgehog Rescue New Zealand, please visit their site by clicking here: |
“I offer you peace. I offer you love. I offer you friendship.
I see your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feelings. My wisdom flows from the Highest Source. I salute that Source in you. Let us work together for unity and love.” – Mahatma Gandhi – |