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Nurture your Thoughts, Emotions, and Actions
Nurture your Thoughts, Emotions, and Actions
Humming is not just a simple act, but a technique that can bring numerous benefits to your mind and body. By humming, you stimulate the vagus nerve, promoting relaxation and reducing stress. The vibrations created during humming have a calming effect, helping you find a sense of peace and wellbeing. Moreover, humming increases the production of nitric oxide, improving blood flow and supporting cardiovascular health. It also enhances respiratory function, benefits vocal and throat health, and even uplifts mood. So, take a moment to hum, and experience the amazing benefits of this simple yet powerful practice. The unexpected gifts of pain are often overlooked when we focus solely on getting rid of it. Instead of embracing the pain as part of our experience, we resist it and view it as an enemy that must be eliminated. This resistance is rooted in the belief that healing means the disappearance of symptoms. However, healing is not a final destination but a continuous invitation to remember who we are and to love ourselves in every moment.
When we approach pain with love, we give it a home in our hearts instead of attacking it. We hold it in our vast hearts and embrace it for what it is: a powerful expression of life itself, even if it is unwanted or uncomfortable. Pain is not against us but a frightened part of ourselves that needs love and inclusion. It is a teacher that invites us to be present and to appreciate life in all its forms. Instead of rushing to label pain as negative and seeking to transcend or obliterate it, we should be kinder towards it and get curious about its fire and ferocity. Pain may hold its own original medicine and teachings of slowness and presence, which we need to acknowledge and honour. True healing involves being aligned with 'what is' and embracing the present moment. Presence is the greatest kind of medicine, and it frees us from victimhood. When we stop focusing on getting rid of pain and start embracing it as part of our experience, we open ourselves up to unexpected gifts and deeper healing. So let us bow before our pain and embrace it for as long as it is here, knowing that it may just be what healing actually feels like. Sometimes we need a reminder that it's okay to not be okay. So here it is: IT'S OKAY.
It's okay to be tired, to say no, to cancel plans without giving a reason, and to "just not feel like it." It's okay to not know anything, to leave, to walk out, to take time to decide, and to take space to feel. It's okay to mess up, be awkward, tremble, be down, and feel low. It's okay to rest and embrace the negative, shadow, and unwanted parts of ourselves. These are our friends, not our enemies. And it's okay to learn as we go and be imperfect each day. If you forget who you are and where you're going, it's okay to begin again. Just remember, it's all okay. Are you or a loved one experiencing sleep problems? The solution might be simpler than you think: morning sunlight.
While we often associate sunlight with vitamin D, its effects on the human body go much further. When we expose our skin to midday sun, we convert vitamin D and risk sunburn. However, sunrise light is different. All sunlight contains 42% infrared light, which can stimulate collagen production, improve bone healing, and heal wounds. Additionally, this type of infrared light has anti-aging properties, reducing wrinkles and scars. Morning sunlight is critical in how we use sunlight throughout the day. Infrared light in the morning preconditions our skin to protect against the UVA and UVB rays that come out later. Around 10am, UVA raises its head, playing a critical role in producing nitric oxide, which increases energy, memory, and has anti-aging effects. UVA also triggers the production of serotonin and dopamine, releasing endorphins and creating a small opiate effect, leaving you feeling good. Ultimately, these neurotransmitters help release melatonin, the sleep neurotransmitter. If you struggle with sleep issues, try timing your exposure to morning sunlight 12 hours before bed. Health tip: Try getting up with the sunrise, exposing your eyes, skin, and brain to the benefits of sunlight. Your body has the ability to both heal and harm itself, and the autonomic nervous system plays a crucial role in this process by switching between two modes: healing and survival.
Many people are unaware that they can activate the healing mode by adjusting their tongue posture. By placing the tongue on the roof of the mouth, specifically on the soft palate, you can stimulate cranial nerves that signal the brain to remain calm and promote healing. This action also supports the vagus nerve, which is responsible for sending calming signals to the organs and immune system. Additionally, practicing proper tongue posture can strengthen the muscles in the neck and promote nasal breathing, which helps improve overall health. To get started, try sealing your tongue to the roof of your mouth with the tip resting behind your front upper teeth and the sides and back pressing against the palate. Focus on activating all three points and feel the muscles in your neck and throat engage. How did it feel? If you attempt to fix me, you unknowingly transmit a message to my nervous system that implies there is something wrong with me, and I lack the internal resources to cope with my situation.
Even if your intentions are good, your attempts to fix me can undermine my healing. You hold the knowledge and power and I feel smaller and weaker. Listen to me and trust me instead of giving me your answers. I am more resilient and capable than you realise. When you stop trying to fix me and hold space for me, I feel supported and empowered to face my challenges. In this way, I can learn to trust my intuition, feelings, and body, and discover my own inner strength. By dropping your concepts, advice, and fixes and simply loving me, I can learn to love myself and trust myself. The paradox of healing is that when you stop trying to fix me, I feel less broken and more capable of healing. |
“I offer you peace. I offer you love. I offer you friendship.
I see your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feelings. My wisdom flows from the Highest Source. I salute that Source in you. Let us work together for unity and love.” – Mahatma Gandhi – |